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[ 21.09.06 ]
[ 00:15:00 ]
[ Twister ]
[ Komentáře: 5 ]
Nekupujte Doom Collector´s Edition!
Tento týden jsem si na netu koupil Doom Collector´s Edition obsahující Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom a materiály z Doom 3. Vše za pekelnou cenu 666,- Kč bez daně:). Bohužel sem po instalaci zjistil, že nefunguje myš a to z prostého důvodu. Doom Collector´s Edition totiž neobsahuje klasickýho dooma, ale Dooma 95, což je port vytvořený přímo id Sotware pro Windows 95. V XP nefunguje myš a to ani když zapnete kompatibilitu pro win95. Pátral sem po netu a skutečně se to v XP nedá s myší rozjet:
If you are playing under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, or if the above did not work, your mouse will not work. Don't worry, though - all three games in the DOOM Collector's Edition were originally designed to play without a mouse. You can play entirely from the keyboard and get the true nostalgic gameplay experience of playing the games as they were originally played.
To byl zase nákup omg:)
Windows XP SP2Teď se zároveň ukázalo proč nemohli kluci rozjet Doom 95 na Doomiadě v roce 1999 - neměli driver pro win98. Ten můžete stáhnout u nás. Pokud nemáte starý windowsy musíte se holt spolehnout na text id Softu:
The mouse / trak ball doesn't work. This is a documented issue and it has no fix.
Windows 98 SE
DOOM 95 is playable under Windows 98 SE if you install working drivers and respect its limitations. Mouse driver
If you are playing under Windows 2000 or Windows XP, or if the above did not work, your mouse will not work. Don't worry, though - all three games in the DOOM Collector's Edition were originally designed to play without a mouse. You can play entirely from the keyboard and get the true nostalgic gameplay experience of playing the games as they were originally played.
To byl zase nákup omg:)
#1 21.09.06 00:19:03 Twister
Jo ty knizky ty sem k tomu nedostal:) To je soukroma sbirka.
#2 21.09.06 07:55:55 Method
Takže nefunguje jen myš, ale jinak to hrát de jo? No aspon se lidi naučej hrátna klávesnici :D
#3 21.09.06 12:54:56 Twister
Jo de to jen na klavesach.
#5 22.09.06 18:39:08 y
to uz mam asi rok tuhle kolekci, ale nikdy sem cedecka z toho, nestrcil do mechaniky, takze sem se prozatim s problemem @ mouse nesetkal a ani to uz raci zkouset nebudu, po tom co si tu napsal ;)